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Amazon.com Help: Return Items You Ordered

To make sure that you receive the correct refund, don't include items from multiple orders or shipments in the same box. Add your return label (if applicable)
and ...

Amazon.com Help

please don't include items from multiple orders or shipments in the
same box.

Amazon Can You Return Two Orders In The Same Box : Useful Links


For starters, go to the Amazon orders page on your account. Every order that you' ve made will appear in a box. To start the process of returning ...


Putting different returns into the same box when the tracking number is only


Can you combine multiple Amazon returns in one box? Items from multiple orders may be combined into the same package if the orders meet the following ...


It's not a good idea to combine multiple orders in same return shipment box according to amazon and you may not by properly refunded.


Customers can return multiple items, but you may see different return options

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