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Amazon Cancelled Orders Due To Shipping Address : Useful Links


The only reason the order went through is because on the second line for shipping address the Buyer stated for example" “c/o John Xxx”.


e.g. “Shelbourne Road (Purgatory!), Tottenham (a great place to vegetate!)” and so on. I cancelled the order prior to marking as shipped and put a ...


By choosing the correct reason when cancelling an order; 'Undeliverable Shipping Address', Amazon will be able to quickly confirm this and ...


Proof of delivery; Date the order was shipped; Tracking number (if applicable); Shipping address; Whether


To sum up, there was an error when it came to either the shipping address or the payment, and the order was immediately cancelled without any sort of notice or ...


1) Try not to use a different billing and shipping address if at all possible. · 2) If different addresses are needed, include the reason in the order ...

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