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Amazon Order Spam : Useful Links


All those who have relied upon the e-commerce giant Amazon to order their holiday gifts should heed caution when receiving order ...


Amazon order emails typically come from , and definitely NOT a Gmail account! Red Flag #2: “If you did not place this order” is ...


Use the features in Seller Central to track your orders: The Sold, Ship Now email notification is a useful tool. However, you can find the most accurate and up-to- ...


In the scam, customers receive an email containing an order confirmation for an item they didn't purchase — and usually for a large amount of ...


I simply checked my Amazon Orders. Don't select either #1 or #2. It is a SCAM with unknown, but likely not good, results.


Have you heard of an Amazon package scam called 'brushing'? It involves having random packages you didn't order from Amazon show up at ...


Amazon does not call to confirm when your order something. But the recent scam calls serve as a good reminder that now matter how you're ...


Scammers are trying to rob Amazon Prime users of $800.

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