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Amazon.com Help: Return Items You Ordered

To make sure that you receive the correct refund, don't include items from multiple orders or shipments in the same box. Add your return label (if applicable)
and ...

Amazon Return Items From Multiple Orders : Useful Links


For starters, go to the Amazon orders page on your account. Every order that you' ve made will appear in a box. To start the process of returning ...


If I want to return items from +different+ orders, can it be done in a single transaction and single shipping box, or must each order be shipped ...


Now I was thinking of ordering like 3-4 cases at one and keeping the best one, returning the rest right away. Would this be fine? Can I return ...


Customers can return multiple items, but you may see different return options depending on the


Can I combine Amazon returns in one package? Items from multiple orders may be combined into the same package if the orders meet the following criteria: ...


We received several duplicate gifts from Amazon for Christmas.


If you'd rather return items to Amazon the same way you ordered them

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