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Andi Order Of The Stick : Useful Links


Andromeda, better known as Andi, is the Mechane's head engineer. She served under Julio Scoundrél and also worked under Captain Bandana Secundus. She  ...


In the commentary for Utterly Dwarfed, the Giant talks about how Andi is sort of supposed to be a quote on quote "low key villain". She is not a ...


Panel 1. Andi: Hey, don't go down there! That's where the vampire is— Andi: Oh! It's you. Roy: Yeah. Me. Andi: Mr. Big Time Hero Guy.


In the second panel of 1071, Andi says she could've sworn she saw... Any idea what she saw? Or is it obvious and I'm just blind?


Roy takes out one of the giants, but Andi's bad decision making causes him to fumble the Greenhilt Sword overboard. Cast.


Not even an interesting roadbump like Tarquin and Miko, just a shitty, unfunny, boring NPC. It's so unusual to have a roadbump this basic and …


Belkar prepares wooden stakes to do battle with vampires, but Andi has a better source of wood...


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Bandana wakes up to find herself tied up. She argues with Andi about the mutiny and learns that...

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