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Andy James Steve Vai Backing Track : Useful Links


Learn killer rock licks in the style of Steve Vai, the grand master of fretboard pyrotechnics! Also includes a guitar backing track. Lessons by Andy James…


Learn killer rock licks in the style of Steve Vai, the grand master of fretboard pyrotechnics! Also includes a guitar jam track. Lessons by Andy James. Each Quick ...


Includes guitar solo tutorials and 3 speed guitar backing tracks to solo sections, lessons by Andy James This excellent guitar lesson course will show you…


Also includes a guitar jam track. The lessons are hosted by Andy James. The " Quick Licks: Melodic Shredding, Steve Vai" DVD includes an arsenal of licks in the ...


albums, the last being 2012's ""Andy James"" on Transcend Music which was met with huge critical acclaim.


... backing track. Once again I'm playing along with an Andy James interpretation, one of his several and incredible guitar quick licks: "Steve Vai ...

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