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How do I cancel an order? - Biblio.com

You can still contact the bookseller or Biblio customer service to request cancellation or return of the order. If the order has shipped to you already, we will
ask the ...

30-Day Return Guarantee

You must contact Biblio.com within 30 days of the estimated delivery date to initiate a refund for an order lost in transit. Incomplete or Incorrect Address
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Biblio.com Cancel Order : Useful Links


An important order was cancelled by the biblio bookseller (Hopkins Books) and I was deeply disappointed. I had put in the order using Paypal (successfully ...


So I cancelled the order but I'm waiting to see if they send me a bill anyway.


If the customer would prefer to cancel the order rather than wait until conditions change, please let us know and we will be sure to cancel the ...


thinking…biblio for the most part you' ll get Canadian orders which you'll have to cancel because ...

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