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Spirit Tracks Boat : Useful Links


In Spirit Tracks, Cannon Boats only appear while Link travels around the Ocean Realm, usually attacking in groups of three.


Spirit Tracks. Link first encounters a Pirate Ship as he is taking Carben back to the Ocean Sanctuary in Spirit Tracks. After the ambush, ...


Aonuma suggested that they not use a boat in this title. Because he wanted to retain the sense of seeing land become clearer as Link approaches it, he had to find ...


Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks gets rid of the boat and brings in the train …


The Cannon Boat is an enemy found in Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. They attack their targets by firing bombs from afar. Link can destroy Cannon Boats ...


The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, set 100 years after Phantom


The large Cannon Boat Cannon Boats sail the waters of the Ocean Realm and will attack the Spirit Train with cannon fire if it  ...


The boat has been swapped for a train. I give it 8.5 out of 10 rubber chickens. HEX Uhh, I think we'll have to go into a bit more detail than ...


Their crew has a run-in with the mysterious Ghost Ship and Zelda leaps aboard. Link attempts to follow but is separated. He awakes on a new ...

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