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Dot Com Delivery Bombs : Useful Links


Remember same-day delivery services that failed spectacularly in the dot-com crash? They're baaaack. But they say this time is different.


The third problem for the dot.bombs involved the monumental task of product delivery. Whenever these companies touched the physical ...


dot.bomb: My Days and Nights at an Internet Goliath [Kuo, J. David] on Amazon. com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. dot.bomb: My Days and Nights at an ...


Delivery services are taking longer for orders to be delivered, we cannot guarantee any arrival dates at this time. Thank you for your patience and support! Menu


What is a bath bomb? Only the best bath fizzy you'll ever experience! Take bathing to a whole new level with gorgeous colors and intoxicating scents. Find one ...


Kozmo.com. Founded: 1998; Dot bombed: 2001. The company raised $280 million and promised free, fast delivery of everything from movies ( ...


When the two rival delivery services sat down to negotiate a merger this summer, their backers applauded. After all, their business models ...


But there's no model for predicting whether Web-based delivery will drive growth. And while the early results from Intuit are tantalizing, they ...

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