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Pizza Delivery Car Bomb : Useful Links


It wasn't just an issue of designing the ultimate pizza delivery vehicle. He had to make the drivers want to deliver pizzas in it, and not just because ...


1 Biography · 2 Conspirators 2.1 Conspirators' connection to Wells 2.2 Wells as conspirator · 3 The crime 3.1 Collar bomb 3.2 Pizza delivery 3.3 Treasure hunt ...


The police confirmed in their statement that at least two armed men hijacked a pizza delivery car and installed a bomb inside, which was then ...


In Wells' car, they discovered the 2-foot-long cane, which turned out to


The police confirmed in their statement that at least two armed men hijacked a pizza delivery car and installed a bomb inside, which was then ...


... were behind the explosion Saturday in the city — also known as Derry — that took place after attackers hijacked a pizza delivery vehicle.


A pizza delivery van was hijacked by two armed men in Derry at about 18:00 GMT. The bomb, which went off at 20:09 GMT, was described as a ...


Attackers hijacked a pizza delivery vehicle, loaded it with explosives and left it outside the city-center courthouse on Saturday evening, the ...


The explosion of a car bomb outside the city's courthouse last Saturday


Attackers hijacked a pizza delivery vehicle, loaded it with explosives and left it outside the city-center courthouse on Saturday evening, the ...

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