Chemical or electrical signals that reach the dendrites produce small
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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 56, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2009. 4079. A Power Electrical Signal Tracking Strategy Based.
... the temporal pattern of their electric signals over extended periods. Our dipole localization method was successfully applied to track single or ...
A track circuit is a simple electrical device used to detect the presence or absence of a train on rail tracks, used to inform signallers and control relevant signals.
EEG records time-varying changes of electric brain signals with a time resolution of milliseconds and follow the dynamics and hierarchies of ...
Notably, weakly electric fish provide a unique opportunity for monitoring identity, movement and communication signals of individuals of multiple ...
The signal travels into the node where internal electronics process the signal, amplify it, and then retransmit it. The radio on the right then ...
New techniques allow tracking millisecond voltage changes, calcium
To stay track of the signal, the soul follows the animal victimization the