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Change Address On Order Etsy : Useful Links


If you moved and forgot to update your Etsy account, or you misspelt the address to send a gift to, don't worry! You can change to the correct address for your order  ...


Etsy, please allow customers to edit their addresses after they order! Or make it easier for customers to see the adddress it will be shipped to WHEN.


The buyer's shipping address submitted with their order can be edited when you purchase a shipping label (available to sellers in the US, Canada, UK, and ...


There's no way to pre-edit the address beforehand. BUT, you could add a note on the order with their updated address. Then hopefully when you go to print the ...


Change the delivery address during checkout. You can update your address when you checkout on Etsy.com: Add an item(s) to your basket.


If you change the shipping address from what's on the order, you lose Seller Protection. The only way to avoid that is refund, canceling, and relisting the item so the ...


I have had several customers recently placing orders. The address that I receive with their order is NOT the one they need me to ship to. So,


Etsy do not have the option to edit a shipping address on the receipt after the order is placed. You can only edit the address on the shipping label. PayPal does  ...

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