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Delivery Transaction Etsy : Useful Links


In your Payment account, you may see a delivery transaction fee under Recent activities if you charge postage for items in your shop. The delivery transaction ...


it is split into two, 5% on what you charge for the item, and 5% on what you charge for shipping. this changed in July, before that, it was 3.5% of ...


In your Payment account, you may see a shipping transaction fee under Recent activities if you charge shipping for items in your shop. The shipping transaction ...


The shipping transaction fee is the Etsy commission on the shipping component of the sale. If you charged the buyer a shipping cost you pay ...


It is just new terminology but not a new fee, it is the transaction fee on shipping. Etsy must have decided it was confusing to some sellers who ...


It's not a fee on your shipping labels, per se. Etsy now takes a 5% fee on the shipping fee money you collect from your customers. Translate to English ...


Transaction fee on sellers using the platform will increase to 5%, and they will also pay a 5% fee on shipping costs. Etsy says higher fees will ...


The Fee and Taxes tab will include listing fees, marketing fees, shipping labels and transaction fee (the 5% fee Etsy charges you to sell on their platform). When  ...

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