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Do Overdue Orders Affect Etsy Shop : Useful Links


Crickets are chirping in my shop again, and everyones always complaining about all the changes etsy is always making, so i thought perhaps this was yet another  ...


They are aware of the delay and do not require the item for months. My question: does Etsy consider this a negative against the shop owner and are there adverse  ...


Etsy has said that they do not keep track of overdue orders. Some people may think they do, but they have never specifically said as much. Translate to English  ...


Do overdue orders affect your shop? I sold a mug via Printful and they're really backed up. They were supposed to ship this mug 3 days ...


and though not a scientific study it seemed to me it did affect my shop.


If your business is affected by COVID-19, or you suspect it may be, we


FB and pinterest aren't a huge draw to our etsy shop, but they do help.


I had, and still have, several requests in my 3 Etsy shops for custom orders.


norm for you/your shop, I wouldn't worry about it and it won't mess with your rank.

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