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Etsy Order Never Recieved : Useful Links


My order is Not Shipped yet. If your order is Not Shipped yet, contact the shop to see when the seller will ship your order.


@wtbceuol Go to your purchases. Find the order. You should be able to open a case. Fill in the information. The seller will need ...


First, contact the shipping carrier and try opening a missing mail search request, if possible. If the package was not insured, this may be your only recourse. If a ...


Etsy doesn't hold sellers responsible for shipping delays or errors, as long as the seller can prove that they shipped the item on time to the  ...


Each item on Etsy is sold by an independent seller. Reach out to the seller if: You haven't received your order; The item isn't as it ...


What to do about international orders never received? by TheStorkShoppe. Etsy Seller.


If you have no luck locating the package, put yourself in the buyer's shoes and consider what service and resolution you would be happy with. For ...


Report the missing package. If you sent the package via USPS, you can report it missing. If you're lucky, the USPS will find your package. If not, ...

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