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Etsy Tracking Says Delivered But Customer Didnt Get : Useful Links


I have had 5 or 6 customers (since December) contact me to say they never got the package. I also got one bad review because of it. I respond to the customer with ...


If your item is Shipped, check if the seller added tracking information.


The day the tracking was marked delivered, the customer contacts me saying " I never


Tracking says package was delivered, but customer says they never got it?


She mentioned she ordered something else on Etsy and it was delivered without issue. What should I do next? She ordered this for Mother's Day ...


Hi guys, This doesn't come up all the time but I have had a handful of customers message me about their order (ie. greeting card from me) never.


Put yourself in the position of the buyer – they bought something that they didn't receive.


Below is a process to find a solution that works. Insurance. If you don't currently insure packages, start. And don't make the customer pay extra for ...

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