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Is Etsy Estimaded Delivery Time Correct : Useful Links


Processing time + Carrier transit time + 1 day = Estimated Delivery Date


So, a range of 3-5 days rather than just 3 days or 5 days. The earliest expected delivery date is the earliest processing time, plus the most optimistic transit time ( 1 ...


The estimated delivery dates being shown are not accurate. You can manually set a range of estimated shipping times for each location. To do so, you'll edit your ...


when they are viewing your shop, that is why it is showing a correct time for them.


Processing time + Carrier transit time + 1 day = Estimated Delivery Date


in our shipping profiles then you need to actually get the delivery times right.


I have had to explain several times that Etsy created the delivery estimate, it is wrong, and Etsy does not allow me to opt out or correct their bad information.


Etsy has NO control over delivery times & IMO has no business putting this in our listings especially when it's not accurate. I NEVER EVER ...


Make sure your processing times on items are as accurate as possible so your items' estimated delivery dates are accurate as possible as well.

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