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Item Order Etsy Still Not Shipped : Useful Links


If your order is Not Shipped yet, contact the shop to see when the seller will ship your order. Items on Etsy include processing times that the sellers set to let you ...


I book a vintage book on mar 1 and it said it was shipping on mar 2. It is now march 9th and it still hasn't shipped. I've also sent two.


Seller changed the status to "shipped," but I still haven't received the item. When to escalate? It's been almost a month since I originally placed an order with this ...


3-5 days is processing time, and some shops do make their items to order, instead of ready-to-ship and can fulfill orders in a short time-frame.


The seller hasn't shipped the order yet or didn't update the order on Etsy.


As an Etsy Seller, I do my VERY best to quickly ship items to my Customers. . . the same day as the purchase was made most times! It just bugs ...


Not Shipped: This shows either the seller has not shipped your order or didn't update  ...

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