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Can A 13 Year Old File A Restraining Order : Useful Links


A minor cannot be granted a restraining order against a current/former household member (unless the minor is considered to be emancipated ...


I just filed a restraining order against my physically abusive Mother (I am 25 years old). Can my 13-year old Brother also file one against her?


If you're under 18 and are experiencing any type of intimate partner violence, including stalking, it is possible to secure an order of protection, or ...


Can I as a 13 year old file a restraining order on my father? My dad is an alcoholic, he doesn't want help for it. and lately he's been suicidal and ...


If you are under 18 years old, you can ask the court for a personal protection order (PPO). You can also get a PPO against someone who is a minor. In both of  ...


A domestic violence restraining order is a court order that helps


Yes, at 15 she can or as the parent you can. Consequences are restraining the father from coming into contact with the mother of the child except ...


There are different types of protection orders that apply to different people and different scenarios.


Technically, “Yes” you can get a TRO aka Temporary Restraining Order from anyone that the court can agree with you that is deemed as a threat to your safety .

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