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Can Google Analytics Track File Downloads : Useful Links


Out of the box, Google Analytics doesn't support file downloads tracking automatically. That's because files can't request a tracking pixel, which ...


If you use Google Tag Manager to manage your Analytics tags, read ...


We can't track PDF document views in Google Analytics but this doesn't


Out of the box, Google Analytics will not track how many times people download PDFs or other file types, simply because those files do not ...


This simply because those files do not have the ability to request a tracking pixel, which is the method Google Analytics uses to track what people are doing on ...


Google Analytics tracks a lot of things, but not file downloads – at least, not out of the box. Depending on the nature of your site, it can be very ...


Fortunately there are a few ways you can configure Google Analytics to track file downloads. 1) Use Events to Track Downloads. Each time a visitor clicks a link to  ...


... Tag Manager. You can keep track of what PDFs visitors are viewing.

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