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Can I File A Restraining Order Against Someone : Useful Links


you can file a civil harassment restraining order against someone you are not close ...


A restraining order may be issued between people who have no family or dating relationships, such as neighbors, or co-workers or for acts that ...


A restraining order (also called a “protective order”) is a court order that can protect someone from being physically or sexually abused, ...


Getting a restraining order is similar to most other court processes. It involves filling out and filing some paperwork, going to a hearing, and then waiting for a


Any court in the state of Arizona can review a petition and issue a Protective Order.


A petition for Order of Protection can be filed in city, justice, or district court.


Who can you file a Protective Order against? · Someone related to you by blood. · Someone you currently live with or have lived with in the past. · Someone you ...


However, it will order a person to commit no crimes against the other person or

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