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Can I File Restraining Order If Noone Has Threatened Me : Useful Links


saying things like "I'll kill you if you leave me," or "If you don't do what I say, I' ll hit you harder than last


So my ex boyfriend after 5 months is talking about getting a restraining order against me when I have threatened him or anyone around him in ...


A restraining order (also called a “protective order”) is a court order that


If you have been a victim of physical abuse or threatened abuse, you may be able to get a restraining order under the Oregon Family Abuse Prevention Act. This ...


Survivors of domestic violence have several civil and criminal


An adult household member or any adult can file for a protective order to protect a minor from family violence.1 However, if the minor is in a dating relationship and ...


If someone has been arrested for hurting, threatening, or stalking you, the criminal court may give you a protective order to

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