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Can My Parents File A Restraining Order On My Boyfriend : Useful Links


Your parents are allowed to file for an injunction for protection (a "restraining order") on your behalf to keep him away from you or they can file one ...


They cannot do so on YOUR behalf unless they can allege that he has YOU or committed an act of domestic violence against YOU. If they filed ...


They can apply for a restraining order to a court but they would have to show some type of harassing or threatening behavior in order for the ...


Yes. You and your parents can address that the court issue a restraining order against him. The specifics can range from endangerment of a minor(you) ...


A: Your parents can ask the court for a protection order, but they are going to need some minimal evidence that this person is dangerous to you. If ...


You can ask the court for an order of protection against someone who has committed or may commit an act of domestic violence if you meet a ...


For protection, you can ask the court for a restraining order to protect you and


The only person that could ask the judge to lift the restraining order is your mom. The length of the restraining order depends on the type that ...


You certainly have the right to apply for a restraining order against anyone who you feel is a threat to you or your home. You can request that he ...

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