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Clean Windows 10 Delivery Optomized Files : Useful Links


Delivery Optimization in Windows 10 clears its cache automatically. Files are removed from the cache after a short time period or when their contents take up too ...


What does the option "delivery optimization files" in disk cleanup tool clean? On Win10 RS3 i could see Delivery Optimization files are created @ ...


An express installation file contains all of the possible variations for each file it's meant to update. As a result, the required amount of disk space ...


Before you do that, keep reading to find out when it is safe to delete your Windows 10 delivery optimization files and when you should leave ...


Using BranchCache, files are cached on each individual client, and other clients can retrieve them as needed. This approach distributes the ...


The Disk Cleanup tool included with Windows can quickly erase various system files


Windows 10 uses Windows Update Delivery Optimization (WUDO) method to


In disk cleanup, there is an option to delete delivery optimization files (1.26 GB). What are these used for and is it safe to delete them?


Windows 10 has a 68GB delivery optimization file which seems to be new, and its taking up a ton of the prime m.2 SSD real estate. Windows ...

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