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Compare 2 Xml Files Out Of Sort Order : Useful Links


With Beyond Compare you can use in the File Formats -Settings the XML Sort Conversion. With this


# then reuse an existing diff implementation on the sorted files. #. # Arguments. # the command that should be run to diff ...


But the problem is that for the elements there is no sorting. They are simply output the order which they are input. I have already looked at ...


Instead, to compare two of my XML files, my approach is to sort them both so they have a consistent order, and then diff the sorted files using an ...


Warning --exc-c14n strips out the xml header whereas the -- c14n prepends the xml


When it came to installing one of my favorites, Beyond Compare 2,


Whatever diff utility we use would need to be able to identify either the set of attributes or identify them all as part of one element. Tall order :).


That post suggests doing a canonical xml sort then doing a diff. dalelane.co.uk. Another thank you from me, Dale! I was about to write something ...

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