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Does Order Of Linking Object Files In Makefile Matter : Useful Links


The order in which object files are linked does not matter. Library order indeed does matter, and that is the responsibility of the developer.


Note that since these are object files, the linking order does not matter. Object files are always taken into the link. We can pass them to the linker ...


I [...] realized that order of header and object files in prerequisites of a rule matters but I do not understand why? Typical implementations of ...


If the -lm flag is before the source file (or object file for that matter), we get the


You've answered your own question: yes, the order of objects and libraries on the link line does matter. is there any reason why I might need ...


When linking object files (static libraries) into an executable, the order in which you give the libraries matters. For simple scenarios where there ...


that the order of the symbols in the library won't matter during compilation (this will be


Most current linkers will search all libraries, regardless of order, but since some do not do ...


and the third invokes the linker to combine the two object files into a single executable.


systems, although the Makefiles accompanying them for the automated build process should be portable only to Unix-like systems.

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