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File A Restraining Order Against My Landlord Nyc : Useful Links


If you are a tenant in New York City and your landlord is harassing you, you


Can I file a restraining order against my landlord. A new owner has taken control of the property I be lived at for the past two years. Old owner ...


can file to get a restraining order against the landlord.11 This usually occurs if the ...


I am in the process of filing an eviction notice with the courts but was wondering if I can file a restraining order to make him temporarily vacate the premises.


If a landlord wants to evict a tenant, but a tenant does not want to leave, a restraining order may


How do I sue my landlord for harassment without an attorney? You can file a Housing Part (“HP”) Harassment Petition


If a court finds that your landlord has harassed you, it may issue a restraining order against the landlord to prevent further harassment. The court may also ...


Get a restraining order if your neighbor is threatening you or acting


But if you are 16 or 17, you can file a petition on your own if it is against your spouse, former spouse, or a person you have a child with. Can I get an OFP for ...

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