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File Order Mathematica : Useful Links


The problem here stems from the filenames being in alphabetical order. If you separate the numbers from the ".txt" suffix with StringSplit, you ...


Wolfram Community forum discussion about Importing File Sequence in Mathematica. Stay on top of important topics and build connections by joining Wolfram ...


dateOrdered = ((names = FileNames["*.dat"])[[Ordering[ FileDate[#, "Modification" ] & /@ names]]]); data = Import[#, "Table"] & /@ dateOrdered;.


The Wolfram Language provides a convenient collection of platform-independent functions for manipulating names of files and directories. These functions can ...


... Math ID, activation key and password, in a text file named “mathpass”. You may need to locate your mathpass file in order to reset your Mathematica license by ...


Sort[list] sorts the elements of list into canonical order. Sort[list, p] sorts using the ordering function p.


FileConvert can be used to convert between compatible formats supported by Import and Export. Convert a WAV file to MP3 in order to reduce the file size.


FileNames[] lists all files in the current working directory. FileNames[form] lists all files in the current working directory whose names match the string pattern form ...


format, let's give it a whirl (using big-endian UTF-16 with a byte-order-mark):


reads objects with a sequence of types, until the end of the file is reached. BinaryReadList["file", types, n] reads only the first n objects of the specified types.

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