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Git Ignore Tracked File Locally : Useful Links


In order to ignore untracked files especially if they are located in (a few) folders that are not tracked, a simple solution is to add a .gitignore file to ...


This is what you want to do: Add all the files, individually or in a folder, that you want to remove from the repo but keep locally to .gitignore.


WARNING: While this will not remove the physical file from your local, ...


for your first question, you could use the command. git rm --cached . rm is for removal. and for second question you can find the ...


Turns out you can ignore local files using the power of Git!


... the database configuration to run on your local machine. Adding the file to . gitignore doesn't work, because the file is already tracked. Luckil...


Use gitignore to prevent tracking of files; Ignore files only on your system


gitignore , but then all your repositories would share those settings. If you want to ignore certain files in a repository locally and not make the file part of any ...

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