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Git Track Untracked Files : Useful Links


Untracked files are everything else — any files in your working directory that were ... nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track).


For others having the same problem, try running. git add . which will add all files of the current directory to track (including untracked) and then ...


gitmodules file (and the .git/config file once the submodule has been initialized). What you have is an entry that points to a particular commit, ...


gitignore file. Step 2: Remove everything from the repository. To clear your repo, use: git rm -r ...


Git only tracks files (not folders / directories). However, for optimization purposes, git status reports untracked files within a sub-directory / folder ...


Untracked files: CustomerData_IND.txt file is back to untracked changes list. As git remove this file from staging tracked list. Add different changed ...


Tracked files can be unmodified, modified, or staged. All other files in the working directory are untracked and git is not aware of those files.


txt file is now showing under the untracked files. Remember, untracked means that Git sees a new file that didn't exist in our last commit snapshot. git status. Now ...

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