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Git Tracks Contents Not Files : Useful Links


In fact, Git does not track file or directory names, which are associated with files in secondary ways. Again, Git tracks content instead of files. If two separate files ...


well digested but still detailed discussion of what content tracking buys git.


Git tracks content not files. Many revision control systems provide an add command that tells the system to start tracking changes to a new file. Git's add ...


I've recently started using Git and am having trouble with just one thing. How can I track directories without tracking their contents? For example ...


does git at any point break up files into "content" blobs? I very vividly recall Linus saying in a talk that git tracks specific content, not files. I am just ...


probably not what you want $ git lfs track *.ogg Tracking explode. ogg ...


git is a content tracker and folders do not have content. If you have a file in them, you can track this file (even if it is empty), but you won't be able to track ...


Git tracks contents, not files or directories. Consider to use a real svn client to rename directories, as git-svn produces a lot of renames in svn, ...


Git does not automatically snapshot your code as you make edits to files in your repo.


... as it tracks file contents, not files themselves. Also, files you were ignoring via svn:ignore are not ignored in this git repository. To ignore them ...

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