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How To File A Restraining Order In Calcasieu Parish : Useful Links


Citizens wishing to file any Protective Order or Temporary Restraining Order are ... are encouraged to contact the Calcasieu Parish Women's Shelter, "Oasis".


You can file for a protective order in the parish where the marital home is located (or the home you shared with the abuser if you are unmarried), where you live, ...


You can file for a protective order in the parish where the marital home is located (or the home you shared with the abuser if you are unmarried), ...


For assistance obtaining a Temporary Restraining Order, Order of Protection, or Injunction Against Abuse, contact the Calcasieu Parish Women's Shelter or visit ...


In addition to developing and maintaining the Louisiana Protective Order ...


The Judges of the 14th Judicial District Court welcome you to our website, another tool to ensure our court and judicial system is accessible to all.


... Abuse Prevention Order forms for the Louisiana Protective Order Registry


She learned first-hand the struggle of getting out - and what supports


Note: City Court jurisdiction is limited to inside the city limits. The cost to file a request for restraining order is $148.50. If you are unable to pay the cost, you may fill ...

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