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How To File A Restraining Order In Pittsburg Ca : Useful Links


New requests for restraining orders, other than DVROs, can be filed by drop


There is no fee to file a Domestic Violence Restraining Order. If you submit your papers before 10:00AM, the restraining order will be ready the same day between ...


Restraining Order Roadmap · Step 1: Determine the correct courthouse for you: · Step 2: Complete the forms · Step 3: Submit the completed forms · Step 4: Judge  ...


It may also have orders that tell that person to stay a certain distance away from you. Who can I file a Domestic Violence Restraining Order against? You may ...


A restraining order (also called a “protective order”) is a court order


New requests for restraining orders can be filed by drop box between 8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. The drop box is located at the Main


When someone asks for a civil harassment restraining order in court, they have to file court forms telling the judge what orders they want and why. What happens ...


The Court will enter a copy of your order into the CLETS system (California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System) which is a special computer system ...


on the restraining order will be entered into the California Law Enforcement ...

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