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How To File An Order Of Protection In New York : Useful Links


For information specific to filing an order of protection in New York City visit the Family Court Website. This page also includes helpful ...


You can file a family offense petition in Family Court to request an Order of Protection. · You must have a certain relationship with the other person. · You must allege ...


Restraining Orders · Step 1: Go to court to file the petition. · Step 2: Fill out the forms. · Step 3: A judge will review your petition. · Step 4: Service of ...


The New York City Sheriff's Office may serve your Family or Supreme Court order of protection Monday through Thursday, between the hours of 3:00 AM and ...


In New York, every Order has a specific expiration date. Under certain circumstances, Orders may be extended or renewed. If you are the defendant/ respondent:.


The police, the NYC sheriff, a friend or relative can serve the papers. You can also ...


CONTACT INFORMATION. Sanctuary's Legal Helpline: 1.212.349.6009 x246, available M-F, from 9 am-5 pm. NYC Family Justice Centers, ...


How do I get an Order of Protection in New York? Do I have to go to the police, such as the NYPD, to apply for a Restraining Order? What are ...


An Order of Protection is a legal document that is granted by either a criminal court or Family Court in New York State. An Order of Protection is designed to tell  ...


Violation of an order of protection by the accused person can result in an arrest and possible incarceration. You may seek an order of protection in family court if  ...

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