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Init File Order : Useful Links


The init file is just a series of commands, that are run in turn. So the first command will be executed setting the height to 36 , then the second will ...


~/.bash_profile. The personal initialization file, executed for login shells ~/.bashrc. The individual per-interactive-shell startup file ~/.bash_logout. The individual ...


The big questions is: Why? Your init file is a software program, written in Emacs Lisp (elisp). As with any software, the order of instructions is ...


There's some files in /etc/init.d/ directory: $ ls -al /etc/init.d/ | grep -i depend -rw-r--r -- 1 root root 2739 Feb 17 05:20 .depend.boot -rw-r--r-- 1 root ...


I have found that even changing the order of objects files being linked can change the initialization order. So it is not just your linker that you ...


The cfn-init helper script processes these configuration sections in the following order: packages, groups, users, sources, files, commands, and then services.


Initialization of variables declared in multiple files is done in lexical file name order.


When Emacs is started, it normally tries to load a Lisp program from an initialization file, or init file for short. This file, if it exists, specifies how to initialize Emacs ...


The modules that run in the 'init' stage cloud_init_modules: - migrator - ubuntu-init -switch - seed_random - bootcmd - write-files - growpart ...


Most Swift files in your app are order-independent, meaning you can use a type before it is defined, and can even import modules at the bottom ...

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