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Multi-track Mogg Files From The Beatles Rock Band : Useful Links


I'd like to nominate the Rockband Mogg Files for the bootleg hall of fame. These are the multi-channel recordings where they attempted to isolate the individual tracks of classic Beatles songs for the Rockband game. Released ...


None of this stuff is strange if you understand how Rock Band works and keep in mind that while these mogg files have multiple tracks,they are ...


has been done already as well as Abbey Road, Sgt. Pepper an a 2 disc mix of the remaining rock band tracks.


OK. These are the stem files used during the creation of The Beatles: Rock Band. They can be opened in Audacity (freeware). You'll then be able ...


I found MOGG s ( multitrack oggs) are the encrypted song files from RB and RB2. ... ogg) multitrack files for Metallica songs on Guitar Hero, Rock Band, etc.

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