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Should I File A Restraining Order Against My Ex : Useful Links


Read the law about child custody in cases of domestic violence PDF file type icon .


After the temporary injunction expires, the victim can try to extend the restraining order in court. At a hearing, both parties are present and the ...


You can also file for an order of protection on behalf of someone else if: You are the parent, legal guardian, or person who has legal custody of ...


Your ex cannot get a restraining order on your behalf. If he can prove that your husband is threatening your kids or is abusing your kids then your ...


The abusive person may lie about you or make up things you did so they can get a criminal case filed against you. If the abusive person gets an order against ...


My ex filed a protective order against me. It's baseless and I have never posed a threat to him or been violent in any way. He has been verbally ...


Your former wife would need to file a Request For Civil Harassment Restraining Order(s) in which she would need to prove by clear and ...

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