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Store Files As Utf 8 With Byte Order Mark : Useful Links


Download and install Notepad++ · Open the file with Notepad++ · In the menu select "Encoding" and set it to "Encode in UTF-8 without BOM" · Save ...


You will find that some editors (such as Notepad on Windows) will always add a BOM when you save a file with the UTF-8 encoding, others will offer you a choice.


Category: Maintainability Name: Store files as UTF-8 with byte order mark Description: Source files should be saved using the UTF-8 encoding ...


Pityingly I can only give an answer to the second question "How can I fix this". Let emacs guess the file encoding after finding the file via html-mode-hook and ...


If you're not sure if the file contains a UTF-8 BOM, then this (assuming the GNU implementation of sed ) will remove the BOM if it exists, or make no changes if it ...


These tools add a BOM when saving text as UTF-8, and cannot interpret UTF-8 unless the BOM is present or the file contains only ...


For example, in UTF-8 every byte of the form 110xxxxx2 must be followed with a byte


How do I save file in UTF-8 without BOM. The byte order mark (BOM) is a Unicode character that sometimes causes problems in PHP scripts (especially in  ...


Saving the file in any other text editor (including Notepad++) would fix this.


The Ultraedit website says -. If you'd like to globally configure UltraEdit to save all UTF-8 files with BOMs, you can set this by going to Advanced -> Configuration ...

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