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Unity What Files To Track With Git : Useful Links


Noise: The editor manages hundreds of temporary files. · Broken object references: The editor keeps track of objects with randomly generated ...


You exclude other stuffs like generated files (because they are auto-generated on compile, on build or at runtime, so no need to track them.)


to track binary file types. Right now you are only tracking files called ...


If so, what version of GitHub for Unity did you do it with? What did you have in your .gitattributes file for *.asset files? What do you have now?


I'm trying to use git lfs with my unity project, but since i'm quite new to git , i'm not sure how should i make lfs track the files. Here is a link of git ...


So my question is: are there files like this in a Unity project folder and if so, which ones are they? Alternatively, does Unity's version control ...


The solution: GitHub for Unity (even if you're not using GitHub)


Which files / directories in a unity project can be safely ignored when checking into version control (SVN / GIT)?


evitolins commented on Mar 5, 2017. Any opinions on LFS tracking .asset or . unity files?


This article will teach you how to version Unity projects with Git, track large

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