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Vb.net Linq File List Order By Date Descending : Useful Links


The sort order for each field can be ascending order or descending order. For more


I don't believe that Distinct() is guaranteed to maintain the order of the set. Try pulling out an anonymous type first and distinct/sort on that ...


Hi all, Please could you advise what is the best way to order a directory of files in ascending order to create a list? We are currently using the ...


1) You can use file Properties to sort by the file created date or last


I am trying to get a way to list all the files in a directory via datewise in descending order(Example 40 files) i.e most recent created 40 files only.


Therefore, the ability to properly sort the data, once we have the data we need, is crucial. Fortunately for us, LINQ has several easy-to-use methods for sorting ...


If many directories have identical file dates the order becomes distorted which means it


Sorting a list based on date and time · c# .net datetime sorting linq. I have a class that is used to basically store samples from data being read from ...

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