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Where To File A Restraining Order In Orance County : Useful Links


Did you know? There are no fees associated with filing a restraining order. Forms can be obtained online or at any Clerk location, but must be filed in room 320 of ...


Where to File. If the restrained person lives or the alleged harassment or abuse took place in Orange County, the request for a ...


California Court. Self-help Center This Web site will help you find assistance and information, work better with an attorney, and represent yourself in some legal ...


If you need protection right now: · Click here for further information on how to electronically file a Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order. · Computer Safety ...


There are no fees associated with filing a restraining order. Forms can be obtained online or at any Clerk location, but must be filed in room 320 of the Orange ...


To obtain a permanent restraining order, you will need to attend a court hearing. Based on the evidence presented, the judge will make a decision to grant the ...


To obtain information about domestic violence temporary restraining orders, call ( 714) 935-7956. This is a 24-hour recorded message, in English and Spanish, ...


If you need an order of protection right away, tell the clerk that you want to have a temporary order of protection. The clerk will then take your petition to a judge, ...


Two volleyball players, a basketball player, a wrestler and one cheerleader jointly filed for a temporary restraining order, with the the support of ...


Newsom's order focusing on Orange County beaches, Supervisor

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