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Why Can't I File For Harrassment Restraining Order In Nyc : Useful Links


... or harass you, your family, or any other person(s) listed in the order.


In order to obtain an order of protection in Family Court, your relationship to


If you are a tenant in New York City and your landlord is harassing you, you


Most minors (someone under 18) can't get an OFP on their own. You need an adult who is at least 25 years old to file ...


Workplace violence restraining order (filed by an employer to protect an employee from violence, stalking, or harassment by another person). Find more ...


Since stalking is a crime (and in some states, harassment is too), the police may arrest someone who has been stalking or harassing you.


Most temporary orders of protection say that the respondent must not assault, menace, or harass you, but you


Get a restraining order if your neighbor is threatening you or acting dangerously; File a police report (the police may not take action but it will at ...

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