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Why Is Git Tracking My Bundle File : Useful Links


If you want to match git clone --mirror , which would include your refs such as ...


As a result, whenever I now run bundle , all of the gems that were added to my project become tracked via git looking something like this;


Remember that each file in your working directory can be in one of two states: tracked or untracked. Tracked files are files that were in the last snapshot; they can ...


In your case, you'd want to use git rm --cached public/dist/bundle.js to stop tracking that file.


My bundle directory is in a git repo and I wouldn't like bundles to be added as submodules because that would mean I'd be tracking the bundles for no good ...


Git bundle converts your whole repository into a single file kind of like


You can give a different file by using the --config flag: bundlesize --config configs/ bundlesize.json. Customisation. Fuzzy matching. If the names of your build files ...


Git bundle is a command that converts your full repository into a single file. Using this command can improve your workflow, allowing you to ...


For my applications, I have two local git repositories that I manage. One is my working copy but the other is actually in a cloud-synchronised directory (mainly for off ...

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