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Forever 21 Is Sending Diet Bars With Plus-size Orders : Useful Links


Clothing store Forever 21 is being accused of fat-shaming after it sent Atkins diet bars with its online orders, including plus-size orders.


Forever 21 sends diet bars in clothing orders, causing customer outrage. Some customers were offended by the perceived implication.


Several users ordered from the plus-size collection and asked Forever 21 if the bar was sent as a message for them to lose weight.


Forever 21 is under fire for sending free Atkins diet bars with plus-size orders. Company says it was an oversight and the samples have been ...


Forever 21 is coming under fire for sending diet bar samples with orders, which many people are calling fatphobic. This could be seen as ...


Forever 21 Apologized for Sending Atkins Diet Bars to


Forever 21, that chaotic evil fast fashion empire of polyester and mesh, has been sending an insulting and toxic message to plus size shoppers.


Forever 21's online customers have begun opening the packages that land on their doorstep to find the clothing they ordered—and a diet bar ...

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