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Gap Between Periods After Delivery : Useful Links


When Will I Get My Period After Birth? In the postpartum phase, you'll experience a vaginal discharge of blood, mucus, and uterine tissue. This ...


The first period occurs after a typical gap of a few months from postpartum bleeding. An irregular cycle following the first period is quite common ...


In the months after giving birth, periods may be irregular but may return to normal over time. There is no way to predict ...


They are also expected after pregnancy, and when stopping or starting a method of hormonal birth control (1). In between these times, cycles ...


Of all the side-effects of giving birth – stretch marks, wobbly bellies and constant fatigue – there's one I wasn't prepared for. Heavy periods.


The fact is that your body, after going through 9 months of pregnancy, is now very different. Obviously, your period will not be the same as ...


cycles (having more than one period in a single month), see a doctor after six weeks of irregularity


It is completely normal for women to experience irregular periods after birth and changes in the frequency and volume of your period after pregnancy are ...


After you've determined if you're having spotting or menstrual bleeding, you

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