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Gap Order Of Groups : Useful Links


Since groups are domains, the recommended command to compute the order of a group is Size (30.4-6). For convenience, group orders can also be computed ...


In this section, we wish to discover some non-trivial groups with an interesting property: namely, that the average order of their elements is an integer. The GAP  ...


those whose order factorises into at most 3 primes. The first three items in this list cover an explicit range of orders; the last four provide access to infinite families of  ...


The global slowdown in geostationary satellite orders is dragging on longer than it expected, causing Thales Alenia Space revenues to ...


Just because the element of a group element is infinite does not necessarily mean that a computer program will be able to determine it. The documentation of  ...


sage: from sage.groups.abelian_gps.abelian_group_gap import AbelianGroupGap sage: AbelianGroupGap([3,5]) Abelian group with gap, generator orders (3, ...


Also, for groups of the order that allows identification of the group in the GAP Small Groups Library (see IdGroup here) it checks that both ...


10 ] ) gap> sum:=0; 0 gap> for g in S do > sum := sum + Order(g);


In fact you can do this directly in GAP. There is a function Epicentre, and a group is capable if and only if its epicentre is trivial. It turns out that only small groups ...


The group theoretical computer algebra system GAP contains the "Small Groups library" which provides access to descriptions of small order groups.

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