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Squid Order : Useful Links


Orders are shown in boldface; all the families not included in those orders, except Sepiadariidae and Sepiidae are in the paraphyletic order "Sepiida", are in the ...


Squid, any of more than 300 species of 10-armed cephalopods classified within the order Teuthoidea (or Teuthida) and found in both coastal and oceanic ...


Phylum Mollusca: Soft and Plentiful · Class Cephalopoda: The Intelligent Mollusks · Order Teuthida: Speedy Squid · Family, Genus and Species.


The order Teuthida is a member of the superorder Decapodiformes (from the Greek for "ten legs"). Two other orders of decapodiform cephalopods are also called ...


known species of squids, cuttlefishes, and bobtail squids characterized by ten ...


The order of Teuthida is where squid separate themselves from all other cephalopods. Their body is made of three distinguishing parts the ...


The phylogenetic position of the only known species within the order Spirulida, the Ram's Horn Squid, Spirula spirula, may be the key to ...


Abstract: We have designed and fabricated a uniaxial square- loop coil system to calibrate second-order SQUID gradiometers. The coil system ...

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