Enter tracking number reference of Magento


Magento 1 Get Order : Useful Links


To load an order by increment id one would do: Mage::getModel('sales/order')-> loadByIncrementId('10000001'); //use a real increment order id ...


In magento every order has two IDs. Order ID - is Magento internal order ID; Order Increment ID - is the ID display on communicate (email, etc) ...


$order->getId() should get you the internal entity_id, and $order->getIncrementId () should get you the Order ID you see in the Admin.


First you need to load Magento sale item collection by below code $ itemCollection=Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_item_collection') ...


Hi Everybody I am using Magento 1.9.x and I would like to create order via quote and I can do that like this: private function createOrder() {


When I retrieve order data (using "order.info"), there are two fields describing current order state and status. One is a "state" and second one is a " ...


Magento provides different ways to fetch that entity data. One of them is to Get Order Details using REST API in Magento 2. But suppose we ...

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