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Magento 2 Add Custom Column In Sales Order Grid : Useful Links


6 Answers · Step 1: Add a new Column in sales_order_grid table · Step 2 : di.xml file in app\code[Vendor][NameSpace]\etc\di.xml · Step 3 : Create sales_order_grid.


Step 5: Create plugin model file Grid.php under app/code/Codextblog/ Ordercolumn/Model/Plugin/Sales/Order directory with below code.


In the _renderFiltersBefore method, you can add the columns that you want, for example, we've used the discount_amount column. In this array, you can pass as  ...


Sales order grid in Magento 2 can be accessed in the admin panel under “Sales” -> “Orders” menu. By default, only several main columns are visible in grid, but ...


1. Step 1: Using new column in sales_order & sales_order_grid table. 1.1. 1. Create custom columns in the database; 1.2. 2. Add column in the ...


And, the main reason why Magento 2 first picks of store owners that it allows admin to customize the Magento to fulfil their business needs. But ...


The default Magento 2 sales order grid offers a number of columns to easily manage the order processing. However, with the advancing ...


Magento 2 UI components serve for generation and display of several lists and grid types. Moreover, you can create a component yourself on the ...


Step 2:- Create a new file at :- app\code\local\Mage\Adminhtml\Block\Sales\Order \Renderer\Productatt.php add this code :-


Add custom columns to Order Grid in Admin Magento 2

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