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Magento 2 Get Product Name From Order : Useful Links


You need to fetch order Items using getAllVisibleItems() function of order object. You can print the Ordered Items name in recent.phtml using the ...


Getting product ID, SKU in Magento 2 brings you the exact ID number and SKU which are corresponding to the item you want to find. All things you have to do ...


You need to load product to get product name. With Object Manager $productId = "10"; //Product Id $objectManager ...


I need to change the productname visible for the customer after adding it to the cart. Also it should show on invoice, order email and everything ...


2 Answers · getting error call to a member function getItemsCollection() on null – User0434 Oct 12 '16 at 13:31 · may be you did not add $_order = ...


Get all products sorted by product name ascending:- $collection = Mage:: getModel('catalog/product') ->getCollection() ...


It's technically wrong to get product name as variable as any order can have multiple products but the variable will be only able to store one ...


Here got answer $order = $observer->getEvent()->getOrder(); $items =$order-> getAllVisibleItems(); //product ids $productIds = array(); foreach($items as $item)  ...

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